Paintings 2014

cell of painting

Cell of a painting / 絵画の細胞 / Maalauksen solu
1000x1000mm/Mixed media on canvas/2014


Floating dreams and the substantial ocean / 浮遊する夢、現実の海 / Leijuvat unelmat ja todellinen meri
From the series "family tree II"
400x500mm/Mixed media on canvas/2014

Night before the temptation

Night before the temptation / 誘惑の前夜 / Yö ennen houkutusta
From the series "family tree II"
400x500mm/Mixed media on canvas/2014

Finnish Mona Lisa

Finnish Mona Lisa / フィニッシュモナリザ / Suomen Mona Lisa
From the series "family tree II"
400x500mm/Mixed media on canvas/2014


From the series "family tree II"
400x500mm/Mixed media on canvas/2014

kulta aika

Golden time / 黄金時代 / Kulta aika
From the series "family tree II"
200x300mm/Mixed media on canvas/2014


Needy collector's room / 貧しいコレクターの部屋 / Köyhän keräilijän huone
1280x2300mm /Mixed media on canvas/2014